"Bridging the Gap"

We are currently working on the following projects for Africa.


We are collecting books and toys  to help feed the minds of children in Africa:
  • Children's Books (New and Used)
  • Novels (New or Used)
  • Science Text Books (Recent/Up-to-date)
  • Toys for Kids
Please advice us how best you can support our efforts and we thank you for any assistance.

We are also conducting research for an up coming book titled:

AFRiCANS iN AMERiCA,  Hear Our Stories.

We are conducting a nation wide study on continental African's real and perceived realities in America. So if you have a story to tell, you can simply write us your story or we can contact you to hear your side of the story, we can/may include it in the book. It is time we voice our experiences and really tell America how we feel.

If you are interested in this study, please contact the editor for more information about receiving the questionnaire by email.

This African proverb states, Until the lion write his own story, the tales of the hunt always glorify the hunter. It is time we voice our realties in America.

Americans see our glory and they never know the stories behind them, so, it is time for us to tell our stories our own way.
